FERRENSBY PARISH MEETING – www.ferrensby.com
4th Nov 2018
Chairman – David Fearnside
Clerk / Treasurer – Kathy Haw
Attendees = 22 Apologies x 4
MINUTES, the minutes from the May meeting were presented. These were accepted as a true record of the previous meeting.
POLICE/CRIME UPDATE, our local officer attended and reported on 3 minor incidents in the area. Also highlighted were the aggressive fish sellers and rucksack sellers. Anyone targeted by these should contact the police with as much information as possible. He is also the contact for any fraud and scams which has seen an increase. Since the closure of B’bridge police station, surgeries in each area are being set up. He can be contacted at ian.wright@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk. CSW – Ian agreed to enquire into setting up a speed watch on Arkendale Rd after concerns from residents about the increase of traffic and speed. We have tried to get speed camera signs in the village but have been turned down. Cllr Metcalfe to take this up with Area 6.
LOCAL COUNCILLOR UPDATE, Cllr Metcalfe indicated is it likely to be Easter before a decision is known on the draft local plan. Anger was expressed over the decision to build so many houses in Ferrensby and with plans for more which will only exacerbate the problem with traffic and infrastructure. Ferrensby has to take its share of the needed developments. 40% of the development on Harrogate road will be affordable, “what is affordable?” The fact that Ferrensby has no facilities or shops was irrelevant as we are close to both Knaresboro and B’bridge. Concerns over the speed through the village has resulted in the developers agreeing to put in a chicane on Harrogate Rd and contributing towards the refurbishment of the pond. There are some online consultations which the clerk has already sent out. It was noted that with any new development we will have to change from a parish meeting to a parish council, needing 5 people to step up to become councillors. Cllr Metcalfe can be reached at Zoe.Metcalfe@harrogate.gov.uk
FINANCES, Clerk gave details, bank balance £2,507.34. Expenses since the last meeting were £25 subscription to LCPAS and a further £25 to subscribe to their DPO service to remain compliant with recent GDPR changes. Summer plantings of £32. The precept has not change and will remain at £600 for the year. Winter bulbs have been collected and it was agreed to meet on the village green on Sunday 18th Nov to plant them. Winter planting still has to done. A donation from the residents at Eastwood for bulbs has been received.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH, Our co-ordinator was unable to attend the meeting, no reports offered.
COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH, This is now up and running with a small team of 8. We deploy as often as we can through the week. About 20% of vehicles coming through the village from Farnham are found to be speeding. Cllr Metcalfe said via the safer neighbourhood group if flashing speed signs were installed we would lose the regular visits by the speed camera. If anyone else wishes to help out with the community speed watch please contact the clerk at ferrensbyclerk@btinternet.com
• Harrogate Road – the parish called this in and Cllr Metcalfe presented out case. Unfortunately the case was approved and 18 homes will be built. The meeting thanked Cllr Metcalfe for her help and support in fighting this with us.
• Arkendale Rd – plans arrived for 6 new homes. We will wait to hear back from Cllr Metcalfe with a conversation with the case officer before deciding how we will proceed. There was a feeling that this should be called in before the planning committee. It was understood that if we can demonstrate demonstrable harm we could possibly prevent the development going ahead. Meeting asked Cllr Metcalfe to gain clear definition of demonstrable harm and examples of where this was used.
MATTERS ARISING, The Parish has applied to the Heritage Fund, run by Two Riding on behalf of the incinerator on the A168 for a grant of £20,000 to refurbish the pond and a new noticeboard. Quotes were obtained and we will need about 20-30k to completed all the works. Cllr Metcalfe indicated she would look at other grants for us, we could also approach the Lottery and appeal to locals to help out. The residents at Eastwood have indicated they may be able to help us on this project. There was an offer to refurbish the current noticeboard.
One of the trustees has given notice to step down. As the other trustee no longer lives in the village it was put to the meeting that 2 new trustee step up to these positions. Clerk to speak with Land Registry to understand what steps now have to be taken.
Meeting closed 19.20 Next meeting – May 2019
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