FERRENSBY PARISH MEETING – www.ferrensby.com
2nd Aug 2020
General Tarleton car-park @ 3pm
Due to the pandemic of Covid19 this meeting had to be reschedule for when groups were allowed to get together.
Chairman – David Fearnside
Clerk / Treasurer – Kathy Haw
Attendees = 21 Apologies x 8
MINUTES, the minutes from the Nov meeting were presented. These were accepted as a true record of the previous meeting. Proposed by Chris and 2nd by Roger
FINANCES, Clerk present the finances, details of the bank balance £4,622.19 Clerk is waiting for confirmation of the second grant money to enable work to start on the pond. 1st Precept of £300 in April, VAT refund of £464.00 and grass cutting of £63.82 paid. Any VAT on grant money must be repaid back to the TwoRiding. Meeting agreed to subscribe to the LCPAS and also for DPO services. This will cost £25 for each service.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH, Roger indicated his frustration at being dropped out of the system. Chris to send a link over to Roger which may help get him some more details.
Summerhouse Hill was objected to and HBC refused the application. Vintage croft garage and gate was refused but has gone to appeal. Middar was approved. Harrogate Rd new levels were objected to. Sunnydale bunkhouse was objected to. Highfield Farm wish to convert part of a barn to a MOT test centre for Class B2 vehicles.
Village garden trustees, work continues in trying to sort out the correct paperwork to transfer over to the new trustees.
Village Pond – just waiting for confirmation of second grant before asking DTMS to start work. Pond is now registered as common land.
Counters/speed on Arkendale and Farnham Lanes. These will cost £110 + vat for 2 weeks of data. It was agreed that clerk to ask what will happen once the data has been collected and what the results options this will offer us before we make a decision on whether to proceed or not.
Nothing further was raised at the meeting.
Meeting closed 15.40
Next meeting May 2021
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