HELD ON 14th JUNE @ 1800
Chairman – F Farmer
Clerk & Treasurer – K Haw
Parishioners: 26
Apologies: 4
Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and presented the minutes from the November meeting, these were proposed by G Lancaster and seconded by T Brown.
Financial Position
Treasurer informed the meeting that £810.57 – this was after receiving garden rent of £27 and the first half of the parish precept of £150 at the end of April.
A Planning application has been received by the parish outlining proposal to create a Bund at Hazelbank Gun Club to reduce the noise following council monitoring. The Bund will be 5m high, 15m wide and 100-120m long. Meeting agreed this should go ahead as soon as possible and was proposed by Gary and seconded by Audra.
Discussions with the planning dept confirmed that the changes to the front of S&R Motors did not require a planning application.
R Jackson presented to the meeting his plans to build a modern property at the back of the village set into a small hill with a small lake in front of it. R Jackson took questions from the meeting about proposals for his current property and offered a site visit for the parish to see the area of planned development.
Gun Club – Gary updated the meeting on progress so far. HBC have conducted noise monitoring and are continuing to monitor it. It was felt that the hours of activity had significantly increased. A planning proposal to create a bund (see note in planning above) has been received and no objections to this going ahead albeit there was some concern that it will actually reduce the noise.
Drain Blockage
A drain blockage had occurred within the village causing the main sewer to block affecting properties. Yorkshire Water have done some work in the area to improve drainage. Problem was identified as a fat ball.
Pond Barrier
Clerk continues to push council for an date when the work will be done. M Elliott raised that as Webster’s tractor/trailer had caused the accident then they should pay for it.
Neighbourhood Watch
R Kendal was unable to attend the meeting and there was nothing to report.
S&R Motors
The police visited and discovered cannabis plants on the premises earlier in the year. It is understood that evidence is being collected prior to this proceeding through the judicial system.
Traffic Speed
Clerk presented details and costs of signing up to the VAS (vehicle activated signs) The parish does not have the funds to go down this route. However there is the option of a Community Speed Watch and the clerk has already put Ferrensby forward as interested in joining and participating in this.
September Party
To celebrate the queen becoming the longest reigning queen in September a party was proposed by R Jackson at his property Loftus Hill. A bring your own picnic was suggested and the chairman will put out an invite to all parishioners and their extended families.
Grass Cutting
Clerk informed meeting that council will no longer be cutting the grass they used to due to budget cut backs and asked everyone who had any verges on the roadside of their properties to include this with their own cutting. Volunteers continue to cut the village green.
Flower Beds – Chairman has spoken to Trevor Flowers who has agreed to plant up the village stones at each of the 4 sites and under the noticeboard.
Green Spaces
The parish has a chance to register green spaces, the pond and allotments would be put forward, the village garden is in trust so does not require registering.
The cost of putting seats in the bus shelter far exceeding the parish funds (£1200.00) no further action
M Horne asked is D Radcliffe could be contacted and encouraged to clear up his land which was part of his proposal for the planning of the extra buildings.
V Marshall brought leaflets promoting Knaresborough.
A request for some strimming around the pond to be carried out.
Meeting closed at 1930
Next meeting to be held on third Sunday in November ( 15th November)
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