FERRENSBY PARISH MEETING – www.ferrensby.com
19 th May 2019
Chairman – David Fearnside
Clerk / Treasurer – Kathy Haw
Attendees = 25 Apologies x 9
MINUTES, the minutes from the Nov meeting were presented. These were accepted as a true record
of the previous meeting. Proposed by Chris and 2 nd by Malcolm
ECOLOGIST REPORT – Bernadette Lobo – the parish has applied for a grant to refurbish the pond
and before moneys can be received an ecologists reports must be presented to NYCC and HBC.
Funds have been granted to pay for the ecologist. Bernadette outlined the plans for improving the
duck pond. Features which will include some gabion baskets to prevent further subsidence, sunken
gabions for habitats, bug house, bat boxes along with some plantings for bees and birds. The meeting
was in agreement with the proposals which Bernadette will now present to NYCC and HBC with a
hope that these will be accepted so work can start.
POLICE/CRIME UPDATE, unfortunately the Police were unable to attend this meeting and sent a
report of events during April. On 9 th April a 2 vehicle collision on Farnham Lane, also on the same day
a vehicle reported driving erratically which was later found in York. On 20 th May a vehicle damaged
the signposts on the village green but left the scene before the police arrived. The Police also
commented “we’ve had a few burglaries and thefts from properties, both domestic and commercial in
neighbouring villages and a reminder to make sure doors and windows are locked and when
properties are unoccupied and valuables are not left outside or visible inside the property to visitors”.
LOCAL COUNCILLOR UPDATE, unfortunately our Ward Councillor was unable to attend this
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH, Our co-ordinator was unable to attend the meeting, no reports offered.
FINANCES, Clerk gave details of the bank balance £3,919.14. Expenses since the last meeting were
£15.20 for the winter planting. Receipts include £27 for the village garden rent, £1000 from the 2
ridings for the ecologist report and the first half of the precept of £300. The annual return was
presented to the meeting.
COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH, This is now up and running with a small team. We deploy as often as
we can through the week. Clerk to investigate about having signs stating Police Speed check area.
Clerk highlighted the developments for the village including Vintage Croft, The Brewhouse, 5
Harrogate Rd, Land on Arkendale Rd – awaiting decision from Planning Inspector.
Comments were made on the property being erected at Vintage Croft which sites very high and
dominates the area. The owner states that it is been reduced in height but admitted it is still very high.
Comments were also raised over the new entrance to Sunnydale from the A6055.
VILLAGE GARDEN TRUSTEES, Jonathan and Pooja Pow have stepped up to take on the positions
of trustees of the village garden. The paperwork now needs to be completed and sent to the Land
Nothing further was raised at the meeting.
Meeting closed 18.45
Next meeting – Oct/Nov 2019
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