FERRENSBY PARISH MEETING – www.ferrensby.com
29th Oct 2017
Chairman – Frank Farmer
Clerk / Treasurer – Kathy Haw
Attendees = 20 Apologies x 16
Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and said he needs to stand down and asked the meeting for someone to step up to Chair. No one was forth coming, Frank is unable to continue and will approach other village residents to see if there is a willing candidate.
MINUTES, the minutes were presented by the Chairman and accepted as a true record of the meeting, these were proposed by Pauline Ward and Seconded by Malcolm Horne.
POLICE/CRIME UPDATE, our community support officer was unable to attend but sent a short report which covered the cold calling by some groups of young males. Since Ferrensby became a No Cold Calling Zone we have not been affected by these groups.
LOCAL COUNCILLOR UPDATE, unfortunately Nick Duxbury is very ill at present and the councillor handling his work was unable to attend.
FINANCES, Clerk gave the year-end financial position at £1,961.22. An agreement on the parish precept and how much we require was discussed and it was agreed with potential requirement for speed reduction measures to increase the precept from £300 a year to £600. This was proposed by Kathy Haw and seconded by Chris Craven.
DEFIBRILLATOR, the clerk presented details of the costs to purchase and install a defibrillator along with costs for a training session. The offer from the Charitable Trust to pay for this was accepted.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH, Roger said still problems with the system since the ring round system finished. Anyone wishing to join should contact Roger who has the relevant form to complete.
COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH, Clerk has received information via the council that if the Parish purchase and install our own units these would be removed by the council. If was agreed we need to do something and the meeting explored the options available. Clerk to contact Area 6 to ascertain if camera signs are available for the village, improve the rumble strips, recruit for a community speed watch, contact David Wilson Homes to understand how they managed to get a flashing sign erected.
- Detached bungalow Sunnydale
- Detached house Vintage Croft
- Sugar Beet Factory at Incinerator site on A168
GUN CLUB, testing is now complete and the parish is awaiting results.
DRAINAGE FARNHAM LANE/ ARKENDALE ROAD, culvert now cleared. Ditches beyond the culvert now need clearing. Concerns over further developments in the village which will exacerbate the problem
GRASS CUTTING, need volunteers to help with the grass cutting as Paul Hunt steps down. Howard Dyson, Frank Farmer and Chris Craven kindly offered to help.
Meeting closed 19.20 Next meeting – May 2018
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