FERRENSBY PARISH MEETING – www.ferrensby.com
9th May 2021
General Tarleton car-park @ 3pm
Due to the pandemic of Covid19 this meeting had to be reschedule for when group were allowed to get together.
Chairman – David Fearnside
Clerk / Treasurer – Kathy Haw
Attendees = 22 Apologies x 1
MINUTES, the minutes from the Aug meeting were presented. These were accepted as a true record of the previous meeting. Proposed by Chris and 2nd by Diane
Ward Councillor Zoe Metcalf – Unfortunately our ward councillor didn’t manage to attend the meeting.
FINANCES, Clerk present the finances, details of the bank balance £4,565.95. 1st Precept of £300 in April, VAT refund of £3,728.59 and grass cutting of £63.82 paid. Any VAT on grant money must be repaid back to the 2Riding. Total about back to the 2Rding is £3896.20 for everything.
Another signature is required for signing cheques. Frank Farmer has agreed to be the 3rd signature. The mandate will be completed with David, Frank and Kathy at signatures.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH, Chris updated the meeting on the neighbourhood watch with new system which seems to be working better than before.
Development on Harrogate Rd was objected to, but still allowed to up by 2m less 20cm. Replacement dwelling for caravan was approved by planning.
Dog waste bins, with the cost of bins coming in at over £400-500 it was agreed to continue to use the bin at the bus shelter or to take it home in own bins.
Community Speed Watch – no equipment is available. It would cost about £500 to buy our own. It was agreed to wait to see if in future there could be some more equipment available.
Parking on Farnham Lane and Arkendale Rd, clerk to look into double line and speed humps.
Completion of the pond, Jonathon is looking to put wildflower along the gabions baskets and to complete the Bug Hotel. Agreed to meet on Sunday 16th May at 11am.
Nothing further was raised at the meeting.
Meeting closed 15.35
Next meeting Nov 21
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