Location: Arkendale Village Hall, 7pm
- Opening and Apologies
- Approval of Previous Minutes from the May 16, 2024, meeting
- Updates on Speeding Concerns and Traffic Issues
- Report on the latest correspondence with North Yorkshire Council regarding speed cameras.
- Discussion of Jane’s suggestion to contact North Yorkshire Police Traffic Bureau, and how we can collectively report incidents.
- Lack of response from MP Tom Gordon despite previous engagement on August 14th and August 23rd.
- North Yorkshire Police and Fire Consultation – open till 18th November (www.YourPoliceAndFire.com)
- Option of setting up CCTV camera(s) on personal properties to record evidence of dangerous driving (Charlie Eustace to provide further details)
- Pond Management and Green Waste
- Pond Management and Green Waste
- Status update on the email sent regarding green waste management (sent 30/09), pending response.
- Update (08/10): Email from Jos Holmes at North Yorkshire Council: “It’s just being considered at present.”
- Precept and Financial Report
- Review of the previous precept (£600 last year) and discussion of its adequacy with inflation and additional households.
- Online Banking Authorization: Discussion on the need to vote on authorization for online banking, as Natwest only allows one person for online banking. The previous setup by Kathy is no longer available.
- Discussion about use of commuted funds for the village:
- Enhancements to green spaces – pond (pond plants, pond verge wildflowers, refurbishing the bench, stopping vehicles driving on gabion baskets), verges (wildflowers, picket fences, edging to stop cars driving onto them), village garden (seating/ shelter, rainwater collection, raised beds)
- Enhancements to allotments – access, rainwater collection, composting areas, seating & shelter
- Re-wilding projects – insect hotels, birdhouses, bat boxes, enhancing biodiversity
- Defibrillator Maintenance
- Responsibilities and ongoing costs/maintenance.
- Volunteer for Parish Village Clerk Role
- Open Discussion on Village Improvements
- New topics from the floor, including any other concerns or ideas to discuss.
- Closure
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