FERRENSBY PARISH MEETING – www.ferrensby.com
6th May 2018
Chairman – Frank Farmer
Clerk / Treasurer – Kathy Haw
Attendees = 14 Apologies x 12
Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. David Fearnside has agreed to step up to take on the chair, this was welcomed and proposed by David Atkinson and seconded by Trevor Salmon. He thanked his clerk for support during his time in office.
New chair David Fearnside thanked Frank for the hard work done in the parish.
MINUTES, the minutes from the October meeting were presented by the clerk and accepted as a true record of the meeting, these were proposed by Margret McCarthy and seconded by Roger Kendal.
POLICE/CRIME UPDATE, our community Beat Manager was unable to attend but sent a short report which the following incidents:-
23/03/18 highway obstruction on A6055, nothing found
24/03/18 police informed of possible interference to a badger sett as a result of ongoing development work. Officers found no offences. Developers are working with an ecologist from HBC to mitigate any disturbances that may be caused.
07/04/18 minor road collision on A6055 just outside village on S bends, no injuries were caused but some damage to a roadside hedge.
LOCAL COUNCILLOR UPDATE, unfortunately our ward councillor was unable to attend the meeting.
FINANCES, Clerk gave details of the annual return and the current bank balance of £1995.94 which included the first half of the parish precept payment of £300.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH, Roger has identified 10 new arrivals to the village who he hopes to invite on to the neighbourhood watch email list. Roger has also gained information from another group called the Safer Neighbourhood group.
COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH, Clerk is still looking for volunteers to sign up to training for the community speed watch. 4 names were put forward bring the total to 6. Clerk to contact 95 Alive again to see when training can now take place. Via the Safer neighbourhood group Roger said if flashing speed signs were installed we would lose the regular visits by the speed camera. Everyone agreed we would prefer to have the speed camera. If anyone else wishes to help out with the community speed watch please contact the clerk at ferrensbyclerk@btinternet.com
- Harrogate Road – email alert has indicated the plans for this are about to be put out. Members concerned over the size and density of the development, 23 homes would be too big in relation to the existing size of the village increasing it by over 30%, concerns over the sewage and water courses that are currently stretch and barely coping. Also the access on to the road and loss of hedging along the roadside are concerns.
MATTERS ARISING, The defibrillator is installed in the phone box and is monitored every week by the clerk.
Recent changes to the Data Protection Act means the parish needs to take steps to sign up with an organisation for these services. The parish is exempt from having to recruit a DPO itself and has an option to sign up with HBC. Clerk to investigate if the cost of £375 is a one off fee and if so will arrange to sign up with HBC.
Meeting closed 19.00 Next meeting – Oct 2018
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