HELD ON 22ND NOVEMBER 2015 @ 18:00
Chairman – Frank Farmer
Clerk / Treasurer – Kathy Haw
Attendees = 24 Apologies x 7
Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, introduced David Black, R Jackson’s architect who presented proposed plans for the construction of a dwelling at Summer Hill overlooking the pond. D Black was keen to point out that no planning application has been made yet but proposals for a pre application were being put in place. In line with section 55 the application needs to meet 4 criteria:-
- Be sensitive to the environment, 2) Enhance the local area, 3) be innovative, 4) quality architecture
The access will use the existing track without any formal kerbs. Malcolm Horne asked about existing rights of way and was assured these will remain unchanged. D Black confirmed the lake will not be drained during construction. Mark Elliott asked how erosion would be prevented, D Black said limestone blocks covered with natural vegetation would be used. Kathy Haw enquired about the wildlife which live in this area and D Black said this would be accommodated north of the site towards Staveley. Jack Green asked the architect which way he understood the water to flow, D Black confirmed from Summer Hill to Ferrensby. Some robust dialogue continued on this subject with other parishioners contributing to the discussion. Jack Green strongly believed more investigation is needed before this proposal goes any further or Ferrensby will end up being flooded. Paul Hunt asked where rain water from the building would go, D Black confirmed into the ground. Chairman questioned how could the proposal possible meet point 2 above. Chris Craven confirmed it is the only piece of publically accessed land in this whole area which remains unmanaged and therefore in its current state does meet point 2 above. The offer of a site visit was decline by the meeting. D Black confirmed none of this information is in public domain, council has copies but these are private between council and R Jackson. At this point D Black left the meeting.
The post of Chairman was required to be elected by the parish, Malcolm Horne proposed F Farmer continue and was seconded by Chris Craven.
MINUTES from June meeting were presented, proposed by Chris Craven and seconded my Mark Elliott
FINANCIAL position was confirmed at £1018.75
Highfield Farm has applied for a Lambing Shed – clerk confirmed that the parish had responded to record no objections but no support either and raised concerns that sheep have never been farmed up there and the parish wish to put on record its concern over continued development at this site.
Summer Hill, chairman asked the meeting how they wish to proceed. It was agreed a subcommittee of 3 people (Chris Craven, Malcolm Horne, Frank Farmer) would be set up. David Hewson confirm legally most work still has to be written. Paul Hunt and Malcolm Horne both stated the critical importance of understanding the direction of the flow of water or Ferrensby will be flooded.
GUN CLUB – Gary Lancaster updated the meeting. Acoustic consultants have taken 5 separate readings and confirmed that they exceed the decibel level permitted. Hazelbank have appealed and subsequently all conditions have been suspended. A preliminary hearing was due on Oct 18th now postponed to a date to be confirmed in January 2016. When Hazelbank use the part of the field in the lea of the new Bund little or no noise can be heard, however they have been shooting away from this area and noise is loud again. Gary expressed his concern with no sense of urgency, Chris suggested we have to wait for the process to take its course, however Gary said they continue to create delays. Gary asked if parish could approach them to discuss the noise. Chairman agreed to make contact so he and Gary can visit.
S&R MOTORS– Rod Beal updated the meeting. 3 people have appeared at court and plead not guilty, this has now gone to Crown Court. It is believed that Mr Caulwell still owns the site.
BUS SERVICE – the council has put pressure on the bus companies and service will continue unaffected for 2yrs. Some concerns that the service will be reviewed in April 2016, parish has received no notification that this will happen. Chairman agreed to contact the council again to re-confirm position.
NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH – unfortunately Roger Kendal was not present at the meeting. Kathy confirmed she had no news to offer and would contact Roger to confirm all is ok as the parish have not had any notifications through lately.
WEBSITE ADMINISTRATOR – John Marshall wishes to step down and Jonathan Pow agreed to pick up the job. Kathy will email both John and Jonathan to put them in touch to manage the hand over.
GRASS CUTTING / PLANTING / BULBS – agreed no rota was needed. Paul Hunt suggested some of the branches need pruning on the cherry tree on the village green and that he will manage this. The daffodil bulbs have been planted along the grass verge coming into the village from Knaresboro.
SPEED /95 ALIVE – the police camera van has been in the village parked on A6055. 214 speeders have been caught in the village. Since project started in Yorkshire over 26,440 people have been caught. Concerns raised over where camera van parks in village and investigations to see if it can be deployed in other areas of the village such as Farnham Lane. Clerk to investigate.
AOB – Drains, Sally Pickles confirmed all seems ok since Yorkshire Water did some work. Radcliffe’s – concerns over the eye sore this place has now become, Chairman to contact Malcolm Horne to discuss issues prior to contacting Radcliffe.
Meeting closed at 20.35
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